Consultez les publications récentes de nos membres contribuant à renforcer la recherche innovatrice et multidisciplinaire sur les perturbateurs endocriniens.
Notre Édition Spéciale sur les perturbateurs endocriniens dans le journal Environmental Research – 2022

Éditorial : Twenty-five years beyond “Our Stolen Future”: How did we progress as an international society on screening and regulating Endocrine Disrupting Chemicals (EDCs)?. Environmental Research, Valérie S Langlois, Isabelle Plante, Pascal Vaudin, Christopher J Martyniuk.
A comprehensive review on current technologies for removal of endocrine disrupting chemicals from wastewaters. Environmental Research, Azizi D, Arif A, Blair D, Dionne J, Filion Y, Ouarda Y, Ana Gisell Pazmino, Rama Pulicharla, Rilstone V, Tiwari B, Vignale L, Satinder Kaur Brar, Pascale Champagne, Patrick Drogui, Valerie S Langlois, Jean-François Blais.
A cross-species comparative approach to assessing multi- and transgenerational effects of endocrine disrupting chemicals. Environmental Research, Bernard Robaire, Geraldine Delbes, Jessica A Head, Vicki L Marlatt, Christopher J Martyniuk, Stéphane Reynaud, Vance L Trudeau, Jan A Mennigen.
An introduction to the sources, fate, occurrence and effects of endocrine disrupting chemicals released into the environment. Environmental Research, Chris D Metcalfe, Stéphane Bayen, Mélanie Desrosiers, Muñoz G, Sébastien Sauvé, Viviane Yargeau.
Disruption by stealth – Interference of endocrine disrupting chemicals on hormonal crosstalk with thyroid axis function in humans and other animals. Environmental Research, Anita Thambirajah, Michael G Wade, Jonathan Verreault, Nicolas Buisine, Verônica A Alves, Valerie S Langlois, Caren C Helbing.
Effects of endocrine disrupting chemicals on gonad development: Mechanistic insights from fish and mammals. Environmental Research, Géraldine Delbes, Mercedes Blázquez, Juan I Fernandino, Petya Grigorova, Barabara F Hales, Chris D Metcalfe, Laia Navarro-Martín, Lise Parent, Bernard Robaire, Arlette Rwigemera, Glen Van Der Kraak, Michael G Wade, Vicki Marlatt.
Emerging concepts and opportunities for endocrine disruptor screening of the non-EATS modalities. Environmental Research, Christopher J Martyniuk, Rubén Martínez, Laia Navarro-Martín, Jorke H Kamstra, Schwendt A, Stéphane Reynaud, Lorraine Chalifour.
Endocrine disruptors: Challenges and future directions in epidemiologic research. Environmental Research, Vikki Ho, Laura Pelland-St-Pierre, Sabrina Gravel, Maryse Bouchard, Marc-André Verner, Labrèche F.
Impacts of endocrine-disrupting chemicals on prostate function and cancer. Environmental Research, Aurélie Lacouture, Camille Lafront, Cindy Peillex, Martin Pelletier, Étienne Audet-Walsh.
Impacts of endocrine disrupting chemicals on reproduction in wildlife and humans. Environmental Research, Vicki L Marlatt, Stéphane Bayen, Diana Castaneda-Cortès, Géraldine Delbès, Petya Grigorova, Valérie S Langlois, Christopher J Martyniuk, Chris D Metcalfe, Lise Parent, Arlette Rwigemera, Pailsey Thomson, Glen Van Der Kraak.
Innovation in regulatory approaches for endocrine disrupting chemicals: The journey to risk assessment modernization in Canada. Environmental Research, Tara Barton-Maclaren, Michael G. Wade, Niladri Basu, Stéphane Bayen, Grundy J, Vicki Marlatt, Moore R, Lise Parent, Joanne Parrott, Petya Grigorova, Pinsonnault-Cooper J, Valérie S Langlois.
Killing two birds with one stone: Pregnancy is a sensitive window for endocrine effects on both the mother and the fetus. Environmental Research, Isabelle Plante, Louise M.Winn, Cathy Vaillancourt, Petya Grigorova, Lise Parent.
Methods for the analysis of endocrine disrupting chemicals in selected environmental matrixes. Environmental Research, Chris D Metcalfe, Stéphane Bayen, Mélanie Desrosiers, Muñoz G, Sébastien Sauvé, Viviane Yargeau.
Towards regulation of Endocrine Disrupting chemicals (EDCs) in water resources using bioassays – A guide to developing a testing strategy. Environmental Research, Julie Robitaille, Nancy D Denslow, Beate I Escher, Hajime G Kurita-Oyamada, Vicki Marlatt, Christopher J Martyniuk, Laia Navarro-Martín, Ryan Prosser, Thomas Sanderson, Viviane Yargeau, Valerie S Langlois.,
When pharmaceutical drugs become environmental pollutants: Potential neural effects and underlying mechanisms. Environmental Research, Pascal Vaudin, Augé C, Just N, Mhaouty-Kodja S, Mortaud S, Pillon D.
Autres publications de nos membres
Characterization of different contaminants and current knowledge for defining chemical mixtures in human milk: a review. Environmental International. Chi Z.H., Goodyer C., Barbara Hales, Stéphane Bayen.
Descriptive analysis of organophosphate ester metabolites in a pan-Canadian pregnancy cohort. Science of the Total Environment. Ashley-Martin J, MacPherson S, Zhao Z, Gaudreau É, Provencher G, Fisher M, Borghese MM, Maryse F Bouchard, Booij L, Arbuckle TE.
Development of quantitative structure-retention relationship models to improve the identification of leachables in food packaging using non-targeted analysis. Talanta. Xu Z., Chugtai H., Tian L., Liu L., Roy J.-F., Stéphane Bayen.
Effect of emerging contaminants on soil microbial community composition, soil enzyme activity, and strawberry plant growth in polyethylene microplastic-containing soils. Environmental Science: Advances. Chahal S., Wang P., Bueno V., Anand H., Stéphane Bayen, Ghoshal S., Gravel V., Tufenkji N.
Effects of the real-life metal(oid)s mixture on female reproductive function: Less is different. Science of The Total Environment. Baralić K., Marić D., Vukelić D., Miljaković EV., Anđelković M., Antonijević B., Đukić-Ćosić D., Bulat Z., Aleksandra Buha Djordjevic.
Food thermal labels are a pathway of exposure to bisphenol S and alternatives used as color developers. Environmental Science & Technology. Xu Z., Tian L., Liu L., Goodyer C., Barbara Hales, Stéphane Bayen.
In vivo and in silico approach in revealing the influence of lead (Pb) on thyroid gland function. Environmental Research. Vukelić D., Aleksandra Buha Djordjevic, Anđelković M., Baralić K., Ćurčić M., Đukić-Ćosić D., Antonijević B., Bulat Z.
Nickel as a potential disruptor of thyroid function: benchmark modelling of human data. Frontiers in Endocrinology. Maric D., Baralić K., Javorac D., Mandic-Rajcevic S., Zarkovic M., Antonijević B., Đukić-Ćosić D, Bulat Z, Aleksandra Buha Djordjevic.
PFAS in fish from AFFF-impacted environments: Analytical method development and field application at a Canadian international civilian airport. Science of the Total Environment. Carrizo JC., Munoz G., Duy SV., Liu M., Magali Houde, Amé MV., Liu J., Sébastien Sauvé.
Quantification of conjugated forms of dichlorobisphenol A (3,3’-Cl2BPA) in rat and human plasma using HPLC-MS/MS assay. Ther Drug Monit. Noémie Plattard, Gnanasegaran R., Krekesheva A., Carato P., Dupuis A., Migeot V., Albouy M., Sami Haddad, Venisse N.
Reproductive toxicity of emerging plasticizers, flame-retardants and bisphenols, using culture of the rat fetal testis. Biol Reprod. Tardif S., Rwigemera A., Letourneau N., Bernard Robaire, Géraldine Delbès.
Organophosphate Esters Disrupt Steroidogenesis in KGN Human Ovarian Granulosa Cells. Endocrinology. Xiaotong Wang, Elaine Lee, Barbara Hales, Bernard Robaire.
Target and nontarget screening of PFAS in drinking water for a large-scale survey of urban and rural communities in Québec, Canada. Water Research. Munoz G., Liu M., Vo Duy S., Liu J., Sébastien Sauvé.
The Organophosphate Esters Used as Flame Retardants and Plasticizers Affect H295R Adrenal Cell Phenotypes and Functions. Endocrinology. Zixuan Li, Bernard Robaire, Barbara Hales.
. Toxicological Mechanisms and Potencies of Organophosphate Esters in KGN Human Ovarian Granulosa Cells as Revealed by High-throughput Transcriptomics. Toxicol Sci. Xiaotong Wang, Rowan-Carroll A, Meier MJ, Williams A, Carole L Yauk, Barbara Hales, Bernard Robaire.
Tracking PFAS in Drinking Water: A Review of Analytical Methods and Worldwide Occurrence Trends in Tap Water and Bottled Water. ACS ES&T Water. Teymoorian T., Munoz G., Vo Duy S., Liu J., Sébastien Sauvé.
Unraveling the toxicity of tire-wear contamination in freshwater species: from chemical mixture to nanoparticles. Journal of Hazardous Materials. Roubeau Dumont E., Macairan J.-R., Gao X., Baesu A., Zheng J., Hernandez L., Stéphane Bayen, Robinson S.A., Ghoshal S., Tufenkji N.
Urinary concentrations and determinants of glyphosate and glufosinate in pregnant Canadian participants in the MIREC study. Environmental Research. Ashley-Martin J, Huang R, MacPherson S, Brion O, Owen J, Gaudreau E, Bienvenu JF, Fisher M, Borghese MM, Maryse F Bouchard, Lanphear B, Foster WG, Arbuckle TE.
Benchmark dose approach in investigating the relationship between blood metal levels and reproductive hormones: Data set from human study. Environment International, Baralića K, Javoraca D, Marića D, Đukić-Ćosića D, Bulata Z, Miljakovića EA, Anđelkovića M, Antonijevića B, Aschner M, Aleksandra Buha Djordjevic.
Biodegradation of microplastics: Better late than never. Chemosphere, Miri S, Sainia R, Davoodi SM, Rama Pulicharla, Satinder Kaur Brar, Magdouli S.
Effects of dietary 2-(2H-benzotriazol-2-yl)-4-methylphenol (UV-P) exposure on Japanese medaka (Oryzias latipes) in a short-term reproduction assay. Aquatic Toxicology. Fujita K.K., Jon A. Doering, Stock, E., Lu Z., Montina T., Steve Wiseman
Environmental exposure to BFRs: Unraveling endocrine and mammary gland effects that may increase disease risk. Toxicological Sciences, Rita-Josiane Gouesse, Isabelle Plante.
Evidence of complementarity between targeted and non-targeted analysis based on liquid and gas-phase chromatography coupled to mass spectrometry for screening halogenated persistent organic pollutants in environmental matrices. Chemosphere. Simonnet-Laprade C., Stéphane Bayen, McGoldrick D., McDaniel T., Cariou R., Hutinet S., Marchand P., Venisseau A., Le Bizec B., Dervilly G.
Exposure to contaminated river water is associated with early hatching and dysregulation of gene expression in early life stages of the endangered copper redhorse (Moxostoma hubbsi). Environmental Toxicology & Chemistry. Marchand H., Barst B., Boulanger E., Vachon N., Magali Houde, Liu L., Stéphane Bayen, Jessica Head.
Exposure of men living in the greater Montreal area to organophosphate esters: Association with hormonal balance and semen quality. Environ Int. Siddique S, Farhat I, Kubwabo C, Chan P, Goodyer CG, Bernard Robaire, Chevrier J, Barbara Hales.
Hepatic metabolism of chlorinated derivatives of bisphenol A (ClxBPA) and interspecies differences between rats and humans. Archives of Toxicology, Noémie Plattard, Venisse N, Carato P, Dupuis A, Sami Haddad.
Inhibition of Oocyte Maturation by Malathion and Structurally Related Chemicals in Zebrafish (Danio rerio) After In Vitro and In Vivo Exposure. Environmental Toxicology & Chemistry. Miller J.G.P., Van Essen D., Brinkmann M., Raza Y., Dubiel J., Fujita K.K., Jon A. Doering, Steve B. Wiseman.
Impact of in Utero Rat Exposure to 17Alpha-Ethinylestradiol or Genistein on Testicular Development and Germ Cell Gene Expression. Front Toxicol. Lecante LL, Gaye B, Géraldine Delbès.
Importance of diet in amphibian metamorphosis-based studies designed to assess the risk of thyroid active substances. Journal of Applied Toxicology, Fort DJ, Annegaaike Leopold, Wolf JC, Todhunter KJ, Weterings PJJM.
Occurrence and seasonal distribution of steroid hormones and bisphenol A in surface waters and suspended sediments of Quebec, Canada. Environmental Advances, Goeury K, Munoz G, Duy SV, Prévost M, Sébastien Sauvé.
Occurrence of plasticizers, bisphenols and flame retardants in potable water in Montreal and South Africa. Science of the Total Environment. Struzina L., Pineda M.A., Pineda M., Kubwabo C., Siddique S., Zhang G., Tian L., Stéphane Bayen., Aneck-Hahn N., Bornman R., Misunis M., Yargeau V.
Targeted screening of 11 bisphenols and 7 plasticizers in food composites from Canada and South Africa. Food Chemistry. Tian L., Zheng J., Pineda M., Yargeau V., Furlong D., Chevrier J., Bornman R., Obida V., Goodyer C., Stéphane Bayen.
The brominated flame retardant, 1,2,5,6-tetrabromocyclooctane (TBCO), causes multigenerational effects on reproductive capacity of Japanese medaka (Oryzias latipes). Chemosphere. Chloe Devoy, Raza Y., Kleiner M., Jones P.D., Jon A. Doering, Steve Wiseman.
Thermal degradation of conventional and nanoencapsulated azoxystrobin due to processing in water, spiked strawberry and incurred strawberry models. ACS Agricultural Science & Technology. Wang P., Galhardi J., Bueno V., Ghoshal S., Gravel V., Wilkinson K., Stéphane Bayen.
Volatile organic compounds (VOCs) in indoor air and tap water samples in residences of pregnant women living in an area of unconventional natural gas operations: Findings from the EXPERIVA study. Science of the Total Environment. Élyse Caron-Beaudoin, Whyte KP, Maryse F Bouchard, Chevrier J, Sami Haddad, Copes R, Frohlich KL, Dokkie D; Treaty 8 Tribal Association; Juul S, Bouchard M, Marc-André Verner.
A 30-Year Study of Impacts, Recovery, and Development of Critical Effect Sizes for Endocrine Disruption in White Sucker (Catostomus commersonii) Exposed to Bleached-Kraft Pulp Mill Effluent at Jackfish Bay, Ontario, Canada. Frontiers in Endocrinology, Erin Ussery, Mark McMaster, Mark Servos, David H. Miller and Kelly Munkittrick.
A Review of the Effects of the Biopesticides Bacillus thuringiensis Serotypes israelensis (Bti) and kurstaki (Btk) in Amphibians. Archives of Environmental Contamination and Toxicology, Empey MA, Lefebvre-Raine M, Gutierrez-Villagomez JM, Valerie S Langlois, Vance L Trudeau.
Agrochemicals disrupt multiple endocrine axes in amphibians. Molecular and Cellular Endocrinology, Vance L Trudeau, Paisley Thomson, Zhang WS, Stéphane Reynaud, Laia Navarro-Martin, Valérie S Langlois.
An overview of the literature on emerging pollutants: Chlorinated derivatives of Bisphenol A (ClxBPA). Environment International, Noémie Plattard, Dupuis A, Migeot V, Sami Haddad, Venisse N.
Applications of the SR4G Transgenic Zebrafish Line for Biomonitoring of Stress-Disrupting Compounds: A Proof-of-Concept Study. Frontiers in Endocrinology, Nozari A, Do S, Vance L Trudeau.
Assessment of risks to listed species from the use of atrazine in the USA: a perspective. Journal of Toxicology and Environmental Health, Smith PN, Armbrust KL, Brain RA, Chen W, Galic N, Ghebremichael L, Giddings JM, Hanson ML, Maul J, Glen Van Der Kraak, Solomon KR.
Biological responses in fish exposed to municipal wastewater treatment plant effluent in situ. Water Quality Research Journal, Gerald R. Tetreault, Kleywegt S, Marjan P, Bragg L, Maricor Arlos, Fuzzen M, Smith B, Moon T, Massarsky A, Chris D Metcalfe, Oakes K, Mark E McMaster, Mark R Servos.
Bisphenol A, bisphenol S and their glucuronidated metabolites modulate glycolysis and functional responses of human neutrophils. Environmental Research, Cindy Peillex, Kerever A, Lachhab A, Martin Pelletier.
Changes to levels of microcontaminants and biological responses in rainbow trout exposed to extracts from wastewater treated by catalytic ozonation. Journal of Hazardous Materials, Chassaing FJ, Mahmudov R, Chris D Metcalfe, Viviane Yargeau.
Characterization of adipogenic, PPARγ, and TRβ activities in house dust extracts and their associations with organic contaminants. Science of The Total Environment, Christopher D Kassotis, Hoffman K, Phillips AL, Zhang S, Cooper EM, Webster TF, Stapleton HM.
Concentrations of urinary parabens and reproductive hormones in girls 6–17 years living in Canada. International Journal of Hygiene and Environmental Health, Guth M, Pollock T, Fisher M, Arbuckle TE, Maryse F Bouchard.
Developmental exposure to a POPs mixture or PFOS increased body weight and reduced swimming ability but had no effect on reproduction or behavior in zebrafish adults. Aquatic Toxicology, Christou M, Ropstad E, Brown S, Jorke H Kamstra, Frasera TWK.
Development of a Comprehensive Toxicity Pathway Model for 17α-Ethinylestradiol in Early Life Stage Fathead Minnows (Pimephales promelas). Environmental Science & Technology, Alcaraz AJ, Potěšil D, Mikulášek K, Green D, Park B, Burbridge C, Bluhm K, Soufan O, Lane T, Pipal M, Brinkmann M, Xia K Zdráhal Z, Schneider D, Crump D, Niladri Basu, Natacha Hogan, Markus Hecker.
Effects of Agricultural Stressors on Growth and an Immune Status Indicator in Wood Frog (Lithobates sylvaticus) Tadpoles and Metamorphs. Environmental Toxicology and Chemistry, Ruso GE, Natacha Hogan, Sheedy C, Gallant MJ, and TD Jardine.
Effects of an Environmentally Relevant Mixture of Organophosphate Esters Derived From House Dust on Endochondral Ossification in Murine Limb Bud Cultures. Toxicological Sciences, Yan H, Barbara Hales.
Effects of flame retardants on ovarian function. Reproductive Toxicology, Xiaotong Wang, Barbara Hales, Bernard Robaire.
Elucidation of the Effects of Bisphenol A and Structural Analogs on Germ and Steroidogenic Cells Using Single Cell High-Content Imaging. Toxicological Sciences, Rajkumar A, Luu T, Beal MA, Tara Barton-Maclaren, Bernard Robaire, Barbara Hales.
Endocrine-disrupting effects of bisphenols on urological cancers. Environmental Research, Eve Pellerin, Caneparo C, Chabaud S, Bolduc S, Martin Pelletier.
Endocrine Disruptor Impacts on Fish From Chile: The Influence of Wastewaters. Frontiers in Endocrinology, Barra RO, Chiang G, Saavedra MF, Orrego R, Mark R Servos, Hewitt LM, Mark E McMaster, Bahamonde P, Tucca F, Kelly R Munkittrick.
Endocrine disruptors: Challenges and future directions in epidemiologic research. Environment Research. Vikki Ho, Laura Pelland St-Pierre, Sabrina Gravel, Maryse F Bouchard, Marc-André Verner, Labrèche F.
Exposure to Propylparaben During Pregnancy and Lactation Induces Long-Term Alterations to the Mammary Gland in Mice. Endocrinology, Mogus JP, LaPlante CD, Bansal R, Matouskova K, Schneider BR, Daniele E, Silva SJ, Hagen MJ, Dunphy KA, Jerry DJ, Schneider SS, Laura N Vandenberg.
Fathead minnow exposed to environmentally relevant concentrations of metformin for one life cycle show no adverse effects. Facets, Joanne L Parrott, Pacepavicius G, Shires K, Clarence S, Khan H, Gardiner M, Sullivan C, Alaee M.
Health status of fathead minnow (Pimephales promelas) populations in a municipal wastewater effluent-dominated stream in the Canadian prairies, Wascana Creek, Saskatchewan. Aquatic Toxicology, Hanson S, Steeves K, Bagatim T, Natacha Hogan, Steve Wiseman, Hontela A, Giesy JP, Jones PD, Markus Hecker.
High-Throughput Transcriptomic Analysis of Human Primary Hepatocyte Spheroids Exposed to Per- and Polyfluoroalkyl Substances as a Platform for Relative Potency Characterization. Toxicological Sciences, Rowan-Carroll A, Reardon A, Leingartner K, Gagné R, Williams A, Meier MJ, Kuo B, Bourdon-Lacombe J, Moffat I, Carrier R, Nong A, Lorusso L, Ferguson SS, Ella Atlas, Carole Yauk.
How do humans recognize and face challenges of microplastic pollution in marine environments? A bibliometric analysis. Environmental Pollution, Wu M, Jiang Y, Kwong RWM, Satinder Kaur Brar, Zhong H, Jia R.
Impact of bisphenol-A and synthetic estradiol on brain, behavior, gonads and sex hormones in a sexually labile coral reef fish. Hormones and Behavior, Gonzalez JA, Histed AR, Nowak E, Lange D, Craig SE, Parker CG, Kaur A, Bhuvanagiri S, Kroll KJ, Christopher J Martyniuk, Nancy D Denslow, Rosenfeld CS, Rhodes JS.
In Utero and Lactational Exposure to an Environmentally Relevant Mixture of Brominated Flame Retardants Induces a Premature Development of the Mammary Glands. Toxicological Sciences, Rita-Josiane Gouesse, Dianati E, Alec McDermott, Michael G Wade, Barbara Hales, Bernard Robaire, Isabelle Plante.
In Vivo Steroid Synthesis and Metabolism in Healthy and Pathological Conditions 2.0. A special issue of International Journal of Molecular Sciences. Charlier T, Pradhan DS, Cathy Vaillancourt.
Low dose antibiotic ingestion potentiates systemic and microbiome changes induced by silver nanoparticles. Nano Impact, Meiera MJ, Nguyen KCN, Crosthwait J, Kawata A, Rigdena M, Leingartnera K, Wong A, Holloway A, Shwed PS, Beaudettee L, Navarro M, Michael G Wade, Tayabali AF.
Non-targeted screening of trace organic contaminants in surface waters by a multi-tool approach based on combinatorial analysis of tandem mass spectra and open access databases. Talanta, Eysseric E, Beaudry F, Gagnon C, Pedro A Segura.
Occupational exposure to polycyclic aromatic hydrocarbons and risk of prostate cancer. Environmental Health, Barul C, Marie-Elise Parent.
Passive sampling and in vitro assays to monitor antiandrogens in a river affected by wastewater discharge. Science of The Total Environment. Elkayar K, Park JA, Pineda M, Westlund P, Viviane Yargeau.
Polybrominated Diphenyl Ethers in Human Follicular Fluid Dysregulate Mural and Cumulus Granulosa Cell Gene Expression. Endocrinology, Lefèvre PLC, Nardelli TC, Son, W-Y, Sadler AR, Rawn DFK, Goodyer C, Bernard Robaire, Barbara Hales.
Potency ranking of per- and polyfluoroalkyl substances using high-throughput transcriptomic analysis of human liver spheroids. Toxicological Sciences, Reardon AJF, Rowan-Carroll A, Ferguson SS, Leingartner K, Gagne R, Kuo B, Williams A, Lorusso L, Bourdon-Lacombe JA, Carrier R, Moffat I, Carole L Yauk, Ella Atlas.
Pyriproxyfen induces intracellular calcium overload and alters antioxidant defenses in Danio rerio testis that may influence ongoing spermatogenesis. Environmental Pollution, de Oliveira VS, Castro AJG, Marins K, Bittencourt Mendes AK, Leite G, Zamoner A, Glen Van Der Kraak, Silva FRMB.
Science, Consensus and Endocrine-Disrupting Chemicals: Re-thinking Disagreement in Expert Deliberations. Integrated Environmental Assessment and Management, Mcllroy-Young B, Annegaaike Leopold, Gunilla Öberg.
Sucralose Affects Thyroid Hormone Signaling in American Bullfrog [Rana (Lithobates) catesbeiana] Tadpoles. Archives of Environmental Contamination and Toxicology, Abbott EA, Caren C Helbing.
Targeted and suspect screening of contaminants in coastal water and sediment samples in Qatar. Science of the Total Environment. Liu L., Mahmood Aljathelah N., Hassan H., Giraldes B., Leitão A., Stéphane Bayen.
Time-dependent biological responses of juvenile yellow perch (Perca flavescens) exposed in situ to a major urban effluent. Ecotoxicology and Environmental Safety, Defo MA, Mercier L, Beauvais C, Brua R, Gerald Tétreault, Fontaine A, Couture P, Jonathan Verreault, Magali Houde.
The brominated flame retardant, TBCO, impairs oocyte maturation in zebrafish (Danio rerio). Aquatic Toxicology, Van Essen D, Alcaraz AJG, Miller JGP, Jones PD, Jon A Doering, Steve Wiseman.
The male mammary gland: a novel target of endocrine disrupting chemicals. Reproduction, Szabo GK, Laura Vandenberg.
The manufacturing of consensus: A struggle for epistemic authority in chemical risk evaluation. Environmental Science & Policy, McIlroy-Young B, Gunilla Öberg, Annegaaike Leopold.
The pesticide chlorpyrifos promotes obesity by inhibiting diet-induced thermogenesis in brown adipose tissue. Nature Communications, Wang B, Tsakiridis EE, Zhang S, Llanos A, Desjardins EM, Yabut JM, Green AE, Day EA, Smith BK, Lally JSV, Wu J, Raphenya AR, Srinivasan KA, McArthur AG, Kajimura S, Patel JS, Michael G Wade, Morrison KM, Holloway AC, Steinberg GR.
Transcriptomic pathway and benchmark dose analysis of Bisphenol A, Bisphenol S, Bisphenol F, and 3,3′,5,5′-Tetrabromobisphenol A in H9 human embryonic stem cells. Toxicology in Vitro, Peshdary V, Hobbs CA, Maynor T, Shepard K, Gagné R, Williams A, Kuo B, Chepelev N, Recio L, Carole Yauk, Ella Atlas.
Transgenerational effects of polychlorinated biphenyls: 2. Hypothalamic gene expression in rats. Biology of Reproduction, Gore AC, Thompson LM, Bell M, Jan A Mennigen.
Transgenerational epigenetic sex determination: Environment experienced by female fish affects offspring sex ratio. Environmental Pollution, Pierron F, Lorioux S, Heroin D, Daffe G, Etcheverria B, Cachot J, Morin B, Dufour S, Patrice Gonzalez.
Transgenerational metabolic disorders and reproduction defects induced by benzo[a]pyrene in Xenopus tropicalis. Environmental Pollution, Usal M, Veyrenc S, Ghitalla-Ciock MD, Regnault C, Sroda S, Fini JB, Canlet C, Tremblay-Franco M, Raveton M, Stéphane Reynaud.
Using Transcriptomics and Metabolomics to Understand Species Differences in Sensitivity to Chlorpyrifos in Japanese Quail and Double-Crested Cormorant Embryos. Environmental Toxicology and Chemistry, Desforges JP, Legrand E, Boulager E, Liu P, Xia J, Butler H, Chandramouli B, Ewald J, Niladri Basu, Markus Hecker, Jessica Head, Crump D.
Acute and long-term metabolic consequences of early developmental Bisphenol A exposure in zebrafish (Danio rerio). Chemosphere, Rubén Martínez, Tu W, Eng T, Allaire-Leung M, Piña B, Laia Navarro-Martín, Jan A Mennigen.
Agrochemicals disrupt multiple endocrine axes in amphibians. Molecular and Cellular Endocrinology, Vance Trudeau, Paisley Thomson, Zhang WS, Stéphane Reynaud, Laia Navarro-Martin, Valérie Langlois.
A low-cost graphitized sand filter to deliver MC-LR-free potable water: Water treatment plants and household perspective. Science of the Total Environment, Pratik Kumar, Satinder Kaur Brar, Maximiliano Cledon.
An approach to classifying occupational exposures to endocrine disrupting chemicals by sex hormone function using an expert judgment process. Journal of Exposure Science & Environmental Epidemiology, Prichystalova R, Élyse Caron-Beaudoin, Richardson L, Dirkx E, Amadou A, Zavodna T, Cihak R, Cogliano V, Hynes J, Laura Pelland-St-Pierre, Marc-André Verner, van Tongeren M, Vikki Ho.
An early-life stage alternative testing strategy for assessing the impacts of environmental chemicals in birds. Environmental Toxicology and Chemistry, Farhat A, Boulanger E, Bidinosti L, Niladri Basu, Markus Hecker, Crump D, Jessica Head.
Application of in vitro bioassays for water quality monitoring in three drinking water treatment plants using different treatment processes including biological treatment, nanofiltration and ozonation coupled with disinfection. Environmental Science: Water Research & Technology, Neale P, Feliers C, Glauch L, Lecarpentier C, Schlichting R, Thibert S, Beate Escher.
Bisphenol A and bisphenol S disruptions of the mouse placenta and potential effects on the placenta-brain axis. Proc Natl Acad Sci U S A, Mao J, Jain A, Nancy Denslow, Nouri MZ, Chen S, Wang T, Zhu N, Koh J, Sarma SJ, Sumner BW, Lei Z, Sumner LW, Bivens NJ, Roberts RM, Tuteja G, Rosenfeld CS.
Bisphenol A and S impaired ovine granulosa cell steroidogenesis. Reproduction. Téteau O, Jaubert M, Desmarchais A, Papillier P, Binet A, Virginie Maillard.
Bisphenol S Impaired In Vitro Ovine Early Developmental Oocyte Competence. International Journal of Molecular Sciences, Desmarchais A, Téteau O, Papillier P, Jaubert M, Druart X, Binet A, Virginie Maillard, Elis S.
Calcium signaling as a possible mechanism behind increased locomotor response in zebrafish larvae exposed to a human relevant persistent organic pollutant mixture or PFOS. Environmental Research, Christou M, Fraser T.W.K, Berg V, Ropstad E, Jorke Kamstra.
Consequences of steroid-5α-reductase deficiency and inhibition in vertebrates. General and Comparative Endocrinology, Julie Robitaille, Valérie Langlois.
Depot-Specific Analysis of Human Adipose Cells and Their Responses to Bisphenol S. Endocrinology, Peshdary V, Styles G, Gagné R, Carole L Yauk, Sorisky A, Ella Atlas.
Development of an estrogen-dependent breast cancer co-culture model as a tool for studying endocrine disruptors. Toxicol In Vitro, Yancu D, Viau R, Thomas Sanderson.
Effect-Directed Analysis of Progestogens and Glucocorticoids at Trace Concentrations in River Water. Environmental Toxicology and Chemistry. Hashmi MAK, Krauss M, Beate Escher, Teodorovic I, Brack W.
Effects of brominated and organophosphate ester flame retardants on male reproduction. Andrology, Barbara Hales, Bernard Robaire.
Effects of cadmium, inorganic mercury and methyl-mercury on the physiology and metabolomic profiles of shoots of the macrophyte Elodea nuttallii. Environmental Pollution Journal, Cosio C, David Renault.
Effects of DEHP on the ecdysteroid pathway, sexual behavior and offspring of the moth Spodoptera littoralis. Hormones and Behavior Journal. Avilès A, Cordeiro A, Maria A, Bozzolan F, Boulogne I, Dacher M, Goutte A, Alliot F, Maibeche M, Massot M, David Siaussat.
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Lethal and sublethal toxicity of perfluorooctanoic acid (PFOA) in chronic tests with Hyalella azteca (amphipod) and early-life stage tests with Pimephales promelas (fathead minnow). Ecotoxicology and Environmental Safety, Bartlett AJ, De Silva AO, Schissler DM, Hedges AM, Brown LR, Shires K, Miller J, Sullivan C, Spencer C, Joanne Parrott.
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Organochlorine pesticides: Agrochemicals with potent endocrine-disrupting properties in fish. Molecula and Cellular Endocrinology. Christopher J Martyniuk, Mehinto AC, Nancy Denslow.
Quantification of steroid hormones in low volume plasma and tissue homogenates of fish using LC-MS/MS. Gen Comp Endocrinol, Nouri MZ, Kroll KJ, Webb M, Nancy Denslow.
Removal of Microcystin-LR and other water pollutants using sand coated with bio-optimized carbon submicron particles: graphene oxide and reduced graphene oxide. Chemical Engineering Journal, Pratik Kumar, José Alberto Espejel Pérez, Maximiliano Cledon, Satinder Kaur Brar, Sung Vo Duy, Sébastien Sauvé, Émile Knystautas.
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Steroid hormones and estrogenic activity in the wastewater outfall and receiving waters of the Chascomús chained shallow lakes system (Argentina). The Science of the Total Environment, González A, Kroll KJ, Silva-Sanchez C, Juan Fernandino, Nancy Denslow, Carriquiriborde P, Somoza GM.
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The comparative toxicity of rainfall overflows and a municipal effluent plume in Elliptio complanata using a novel qPCR array approach. Comp Biochem Physiol C Toxicol Pharmacol, André C, François Gagné.
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The impact and toxicity of glyphosate and glyphosate-based herbicides on health and immunity. Journal of Immunotoxicology, Cindy Peillex, Martin Pelletier.
Thermal degradation of bisphenol A and bisphenol S in water and fish (cod and basa) fillets. Food Chemistry, Tian L, Goodyer C, Zheng J, Stéphane Bayen.
Transcriptomic effects of tributyltin (TBT) in zebrafish eleutheroembryos. A functional benchmark dose analysis. Journal of Hazardous Materials, Ruben Martínez, Codina AE, Barata C, Tauler R, Piña B, Laia Navarro-Martín.
Twenty years of transcriptomics, 17alpha-ethynylestradiol, and fish. General and Comparative Endocrinology, Christopher J. Martyniuk, Feswick A, Kelly Munkittrick, Dreier DA, Nancy Denslow.
Utility of a multi-tracer approach as a component of adaptive monitoring for municipal wastewater impacts. Water Quality Reasearch Journal, Rajiv Neal Tanna, Moncur MC, Birks SJ, Gibson JJ, Ptacek CJ, Mayer B, Weiser MF, Wrona FJ, Kelly Munkittrick.